We have seen small and medium sized firms, like our own pilfered and pillaged by angel and seed capital investors and we are working to avoid this having endured it ourselves and help others to likewise get to market by using our future network.
One bright idea always leads to another. We believe in our BrainTrust.
We believe that #mindpowerispower
In fact, we simply, cannot believe, that we CANNOT BELIEVE.
We have so very much going for us: Several models of our original patent which will generate patents and designs at least to 2044. This is our firm belief.
Watch and learn.
We are engaged in our crowdfunding options both socially based and approved by Security Exchanges.
As you know, or may not, our parent/partner company went out of business and we are ardently and dutifully trying to grow following that loss. We want to avoid the constant pressure involved in going and being public for as long as possible which was a major hurdle and point of pain for our former parent firm. Keep an eye on our humble but determined efforts.
" Imagination is more important than Knowledge..." - Einstein
Customers have questions, WE have answers: the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
If you have questions we have answers...
The opportunity before us is to establish an economic model based upon FINTECH+ tools that facilitate both transparent and very secure, transactional flows on a supercomputer and encrypted network that assigns financially derived and declared valuations to symbolic and secure crypto-tokens. In this use, all activity is placed on a permissions based blockchain.
Admission to such data is made available to proper and relevant parties.
This functionality does not destroy nor diminish the usefulness of fiat currencies or anything else with a declared legal value in any marketplace where fiat currencies are used.
This is a crypto-network.
It is competitively comparable to combining FOREX, NASDAQ, and several other stock markets to varying degrees.
The utility of this network is so vast that it can monitor competition pricing models, predict future cost factors, and actually manage and file taxes.
This all works because we now live in 1) A connected global work and spend environment, and,
2) Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the supremely disruptive FINTECH realm has arrived.
We can therefore make our economic model supportive of financial and economic models that historically have never been supported and do so in measures of time previously ignored by mass markets. We call this FINITETIME and FINTECH. The concept is very much like JIT (Just In Time) construction and supply business models for inventory control. We extend this in both time and into the marketplace of resources extraction processing.
(All patent pending)
La oportunidad que tenemos ante nosotros es establecer un modelo económico basado en herramientas FINTECH que faciliten flujos transaccionales transparentes y altamente seguros en una supercomputadora y una red encriptada que asigna valoraciones declaradas y derivadas financieramente a tokens criptográficos seguros y simbólicos. En este uso, toda la actividad se coloca en una cadena de bloques basada en permisos.
La admisión a tales datos se pone a disposición de las partes apropiadas y pertinentes.
Esta funcionalidad no destruye ni disminuye la utilidad de las monedas fiduciarias o cualquier otra cosa con valor legal declarado en cualquier mercado donde se utilicen monedas fiduciarias.
Esta es una cripto-red.
Es competitivamente comparable a la combinación de FOREX, NASDAQ y varios otros mercados bursátiles en diversos grados.
La utilidad de esta red es tan amplia que puede monitorear los modelos de precios de la competencia, predecir factores de costos futuros y, de hecho, administrar y declarar impuestos.
Todo esto funciona porque ahora vivimos en 1) un entorno de trabajo y gasto conectado globalmente y,
2) Tecnología: Ha llegado la Inteligencia Artificial y el reino supremamente disruptivo de las FINTECH.
Así, podemos hacer que nuestro modelo económico soporte modelos económicos y financieros que nunca han sido soportados históricamente y hacerlo en medidas de tiempo previamente ignoradas por los mercados masivos. A esto lo llamamos FINITETIME y FINTECH. El concepto es muy parecido a JIT (Just In Time) de creación y suministro de modelos comerciales para el control de inventario. Extendemos esto tanto en el tiempo como en el mercado de procesamiento de extracción de recursos.
The opportunity before us is to establish an economic model based upon FINTECH+ tools that facilitate both transparent and very secure, transactional flows on a supercomputer and encrypted network that assigns financially derived and declared valuations to symbolic and secure crypto-tokens. In this use, all activity is placed on a permissions based blockchain.
Admission to such data is made available to proper and relevant parties.
This functionality does not destroy nor diminish the usefulness of fiat currencies or anything else with a declared legal value in any marketplace where fiat currencies are used.
This is a crypto-network.
It is competitively comparable to combining FOREX, NASDAQ, and several other stock markets to varying degrees.
The utility of this network is so vast that it can monitor competition pricing models, predict future cost factors, and actually manage and file taxes.
This all works because we now live in 1) A connected global work and spend environment, and,
2) Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the supremely disruptive FINTECH realm has arrived.
We can therefore make our economic model supportive of financial and economic models that historically have never been supported and do so in measures of time previously ignored by mass markets. We call this FINITETIME and FINTECH. The concept is very much like JIT (Just In Time) construction and supply business models for inventory control. We extend this in both time and into the marketplace of resources extraction processing.
(All patent pending)
La oportunidad que tenemos ante nosotros es establecer un modelo económico basado en herramientas FINTECH que faciliten flujos transaccionales transparentes y altamente seguros en una supercomputadora y una red encriptada que asigna valoraciones declaradas y derivadas financieramente a tokens criptográficos seguros y simbólicos. En este uso, toda la actividad se coloca en una cadena de bloques basada en permisos.
La admisión a tales datos se pone a disposición de las partes apropiadas y pertinentes.
Esta funcionalidad no destruye ni disminuye la utilidad de las monedas fiduciarias o cualquier otra cosa con valor legal declarado en cualquier mercado donde se utilicen monedas fiduciarias.
Esta es una cripto-red.
Es competitivamente comparable a la combinación de FOREX, NASDAQ y varios otros mercados bursátiles en diversos grados.
La utilidad de esta red es tan amplia que puede monitorear los modelos de precios de la competencia, predecir factores de costos futuros y, de hecho, administrar y declarar impuestos.
Todo esto funciona porque ahora vivimos en 1) un entorno de trabajo y gasto conectado globalmente y,
2) Tecnología: Ha llegado la Inteligencia Artificial y el reino supremamente disruptivo de las FINTECH.
Así, podemos hacer que nuestro modelo económico soporte modelos económicos y financieros que nunca han sido soportados históricamente y hacerlo en medidas de tiempo previamente ignoradas por los mercados masivos. A esto lo llamamos FINITETIME y FINTECH. El concepto es muy parecido a JIT (Just In Time) de creación y suministro de modelos comerciales para el control de inventario. Extendemos esto tanto en el tiempo como en el mercado de procesamiento de extracción de recursos.
The opportunity before us is to establish an economic model based upon FINTECH+ tools that facilitate both transparent and very secure, transactional flows on a supercomputer and encrypted network that assigns financially derived and declared valuations to symbolic and secure crypto-tokens. In this use, all activity is placed on a permissions based blockchain.
Admission to such data is made available to proper and relevant parties.
This functionality does not destroy nor diminish the usefulness of fiat currencies or anything else with a declared legal value in any marketplace where fiat currencies are used.
This is a crypto-network.
It is competitively comparable to combining FOREX, NASDAQ, and several other stock markets to varying degrees.
The utility of this network is so vast that it can monitor competition pricing models, predict future cost factors, and actually manage and file taxes.
This all works because we now live in 1) A connected global work and spend environment, and,
2) Technology: Artificial Intelligence and the supremely disruptive FINTECH realm has arrived.
We can therefore make our economic model supportive of financial and economic models that historically have never been supported and do so in measures of time previously ignored by mass markets. We call this FINITETIME and FINTECH. The concept is very much like JIT (Just In Time) construction and supply business models for inventory control. We extend this in both time and into the marketplace of resources extraction processing.
(All patent pending)
La oportunidad que tenemos ante nosotros es establecer un modelo económico basado en herramientas FINTECH que faciliten flujos transaccionales transparentes y altamente seguros en una supercomputadora y una red encriptada que asigna valoraciones declaradas y derivadas financieramente a tokens criptográficos seguros y simbólicos. En este uso, toda la actividad se coloca en una cadena de bloques basada en permisos.
La admisión a tales datos se pone a disposición de las partes apropiadas y pertinentes.
Esta funcionalidad no destruye ni disminuye la utilidad de las monedas fiduciarias o cualquier otra cosa con valor legal declarado en cualquier mercado donde se utilicen monedas fiduciarias.
Esta es una cripto-red.
Es competitivamente comparable a la combinación de FOREX, NASDAQ y varios otros mercados bursátiles en diversos grados.
La utilidad de esta red es tan amplia que puede monitorear los modelos de precios de la competencia, predecir factores de costos futuros y, de hecho, administrar y declarar impuestos.
Todo esto funciona porque ahora vivimos en 1) un entorno de trabajo y gasto conectado globalmente y,
2) Tecnología: Ha llegado la Inteligencia Artificial y el reino supremamente disruptivo de las FINTECH.
Así, podemos hacer que nuestro modelo económico soporte modelos económicos y financieros que nunca han sido soportados históricamente y hacerlo en medidas de tiempo previamente ignoradas por los mercados masivos. A esto lo llamamos FINITETIME y FINTECH. El concepto es muy parecido a JIT (Just In Time) de creación y suministro de modelos comerciales para el control de inventario. Extendemos esto tanto en el tiempo como en el mercado de procesamiento de extracción de recursos.
Our energy budget is unique as it is our processing catalytic component. Further, for one example, we have the ability to remove the use of deadly cyanide from the processing process. Further we can eliminate the uses of caustic soda in elution stripping of adsorbed gold on activated carbon. Of course, we have removed mercury from the process as well and we recycle all our chemicals and in cases where gold concentrations in the ore are reasonably high we do not need tailing ponds.
( Gold mine tailings dams are a high risk part of mining as they contain hazardous materials such as cyanide, mercury and arsenic from processing operations which present a risk to the public and to the environment. When tailing dams fail, the impact is disastrous for humans and the natural environment.)
Nuestro presupuesto de energía es único en el sentido de que es nuestro componente catalítico de procesamiento. Además, por ejemplo, tenemos la capacidad de eliminar el uso de cianuro mortal del proceso de procesamiento. Además, podemos eliminar los usos de la sosa cáustica en la eliminación por elución del oro adsorbido sobre carbón activado. Por supuesto, también eliminamos el mercurio del proceso y reciclamos todos nuestros productos químicos, y donde las concentraciones de oro en el mineral son razonablemente altas, no necesitamos estanques de relaves.
( Las represas de relaves de las minas de oro son una parte de alto riesgo de la minería, ya que contienen materiales peligrosos como cianuro, mercurio y arsénico de las operaciones de procesamiento que representan un riesgo para el público y el medio ambiente. Cuando fallan las represas de relaves, el impacto es desastroso para humanos y el medio natural).
Our world is changing due to the combustion of petrochemicals. We know this. Nevertheless, until the time arrives that we can grow bacteria to make our plastics and synthetic materials we will need petrochemicals to some extent (we estimate to about the year 2050)
To answer your question, let's focus on one of a dozen areas in which our model of
" The U.S. has more than 120,000 abandoned oil wells, research shows - The Washington Post.Dec 2, 2022
Yes. It can.
Sí. Puede.
Yes. Exceptionally. In fact, it is so demanding that our lead scientist has designed a new class of supercomputer that scales in a unique manner until a scalar or vector upgrade is required.
Sí. Excepcionalmente. De hecho, es tan exigente que nuestro científico principal ha diseñado una nueva clase de supercomputadora que escala de una manera única hasta que se requiere una actualización escalar o vectorial.
Imagine. Think about the future...
...Imaginar. Piensa en el futuro...
Good question. In 2011 one of our scientists became involved with Cryptocurrency. Then in about 2013 he, Lord Tutinean, became CEO of ShieldCore Systems in Burnaby, British Columbia Canada. It was then that he realized that cryptocurrency would best serve commerce by lending its powerful features to legal commerce. Features such as:
1) Smart Contracts,
2) Blockchain and its immutability, and
3) its tremendous hash complexity granting,
4) Both security and transactional transparency,
5) Its open source support and nature.
All of these allow us to provide a truly TRUSTLESS business environment where trust is not required in order to do business.
Thank you for the excellent question.
Aproximadamente en 2013, Lord Tutinean se convirtió en director ejecutivo de ShieldCore Systems en Burnaby, Columbia Británica, Canadá. Fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de que la criptomoneda serviría mejor al comercio prestando sus poderosas características al comercio legal. Características tales como:
1) Contratos inteligentes,
2) Blockchain y su inmutabilidad, y
3) su tremenda complejidad hash otorgando,
4) Tanto la seguridad como la transparencia transaccional,
5) Su naturaleza de soporte y código abierto.
Todo esto nos permite proporcionar un entorno comercial verdaderamente LIBRE DE CONFIANZA donde no se requiere confianza para hacer negocios.
Gracias por la excelente pregunta.
FINTECH: Fintech, a portmanteau of "financial technology", refers to firms using new technology to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and big data are regarded as the "ABCD" of fintech.
Fintech, un acrónimo de "tecnología financiera", se refiere a las empresas que utilizan nueva tecnología para competir con los métodos financieros tradicionales en la prestación de servicios financieros. La inteligencia artificial, la cadena de bloques, la computación en la nube y los grandes datos se consideran el "ABCD" de fintech.
We are building a corporate culture now. Extremely complex research has been our focus as well as acquiring access to resources and assets. We know we will need these. We need to hire more people and build the refinery we have designed. THEN, once we are running at several tons per day output of several metals and minerals and have street cred, we will retain a board of directors and a full corporate suite. We are not going public yet for the same reasons. We need a solid corporate culture first. Thanks for the excellent question.
It is an acronym for:
It was originally designed to help our Native American customers see into the earth and locate water, from altitudes above Low Earth Orbit. Now it does less, and more.
We predicted this. Mr. Tutinean himself stated his belief that unifying, consolidating the charging systems would be a major event and a necessary one in the electric vehicle universe. He made his prediction many months ago in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Now we can see that he was quite correct.
No. We are not a cryptocurrency trading centre or owner as our technology utilizes powerful aspects of FINTECH to push our reporting, trades, and transactions to a higher level of visibility and resistances to to financial and economic criminality than anything offered by any other federal securities agencies on this planet. We can easily support tax filings if called upon. We are using several technologies in a hybridized fashion to aid our Central and South American and new African customers, partners, and any potential investor to defeat the lingering image of these areas as drug cartel and money laundering centres. We will also help keep the Amazon alive. Thanks for the question and look for our crowdfunding effort soon to come.
No somos un centro o propietario de comercio de criptomonedas, ya que nuestra tecnología utiliza aspectos poderosos de FINTECH para impulsar nuestros informes, operaciones y transacciones a un nivel más alto de visibilidad y resistencia a los delitos financieros y económicos que cualquier otra agencia federal. el comercio de acciones en este planeta. Podemos respaldar fácilmente las declaraciones de impuestos si así lo solicita. Estamos utilizando varias tecnologías de manera híbrida para ayudar a nuestros clientes, socios e inversionistas potenciales de América Central y del Sur y nuevos socios de África a derrotar la imagen persistente de estas áreas como carteles de drogas y centros de lavado de dinero. También ayudaremos a mantener viva la Amazonía. Gracias por la pregunta y esperamos nuestro esfuerzo de financiación colectiva pronto.
We would impose standardization of the charging cable interface. Just as there is one nozzle to insert into gasoline and diesel vehicles to supply fuel to the vehicles gas or diesel fuel tank, do the same for all electric vehicles. Make charging as intuitive as possible. We would also do what we are doing: reduce the number and need for batteries as much as possible. Make the vehicles what we have made them. A hybrid-of-a-hybrid. Thanks. Aplicaríamos la estandarización de la interfaz del cable de carga. Así como existe una boquilla que se inserta en los vehículos de gasolina y diésel para suministrar combustible al tanque de gasolina o diésel del vehículo, ocurre lo mismo con todos los vehículos eléctricos. Haga que la carga sea lo más intuitiva posible. También haríamos lo que estamos haciendo: minimizar el número y la necesidad de baterías.
They all could write L.T. or make contact and he would address their individual concerns or points. Please remember that our technology is not only used in vehicular activity but is also the catalyst for green clean resource extraction and processing. Please ask your family tree to view the blog post on this site on November 17, 2022. The young engineer on that post explains ALL the known factors that would prevent what you call perpetual motion ideas. After viewing that post you can BELIEVE we have addressed every one of his points and gone far beyond any failed motion paradigm. Thanks. Todo el mundo podría escribir L.T. o póngase en contacto y él abordará sus inquietudes o puntos individuales. Recuerde que nuestra tecnología no sólo se utiliza en la actividad vehicular, sino que también es el catalizador para la extracción y procesamiento de recursos verdes y limpios. Pídale a su árbol genealógico que consulte la publicación del blog en este sitio el 17 de noviembre de 2022. El joven ingeniero en esa publicación explica TODOS los factores conocidos que impedirían lo que usted llama ideas de movimiento perpetuo.
Imagine. Imaginar.
Our technology pays attention to two large dominant categories of energy and power generation dynamics namely, 1) The use case and 2) The energy budget.
USE CASE/ENERGY BUDGET: This simply means, the manner in which people, and ultimately, the owner of an individual power train gets from point A to point Z and back again. A good example: If a person is driving a vehicle that must plug-in and charge every chance it gets and a family member or potential spouse asks them to change their usual routine and drive an extra 100 miles to come see them in two hours - NO - THAT is an 'L' for your love life due to lack of energy. However, with our power train, it being a hybrid of a hybrid, a push of a button or a hand signal (Haptic input since you are on the phone) and the energy budget requirement reconfigures the power train elements and that date is a win, for arriving early. You see One part of the system recharges and rests in standby while the other gets priority budgeting and optimized monitoring and gets you there. Hybrid of a hybrid. This works in 18-wheelers, trains, planes, ships, and boats, etc. Thank you very much for your question))
Most vehicle fires are caused by crashes or collisions where petrochemical fuels are used and caused by electrical short circuit leading to metal fires inside the battery pack when batteries are used. To provide energy for movement an energy source must be employed and in catastrophic circumstances a fire can result. Our design for hydrogen for example protects the vehicle by quenching any already produced hydrogen and then flooding the hydrogen chamber. We place circuit breakers inside the battery packs, when they are present) so that if the wiring harness is flooded with water or chemicals no short circuit is seen by the battery pack. Nevertheless, if the accident is severe enough a fire may occur and our foam generators activated in the power train assembly. These should work well enough to allow the occupants to be removed in an extreme emergency. Thanks for the question)
First. Recognize that our patented electric drive train was always meant to generate sufficient power to make electrolysis a very easily attainable objective (even if using the most inefficient electrolysis methods from hundreds of years ago) and it made enough power to reduce the size of battery packs and introduce a management perspective for electromagnetic fields. We merely took our design further and enabled broader application of the physical chemistry of liquids and solids and made it all available much more widely but on an individual level. Each vehicle has its own fuel refinery in effect. As emissions standards get more strict, year after year, until no emissions are allowed, we merely expand the manufacturing process in each individual user unit. We believe that eventually, the piston may have to be removed and rotary or turbine engines will have to be used to continue 100% clean internal combustion combined with electric drive being a part of the mix and thereby GREATLY raising the reliability of personal transport, boats, planes, trains, buses, ships, etc. Thanks for the question.
Thank you for your efforts, and for taking the time to present this information to us regarding your presentation to larger groups and their unfortunate responses!
Please recall that in November of 2021 as our team was competing in the Mitsubishi contest (without any budget or funding of any kind from the parent company) a FEW SHAREHOLDERS WHO OWNED SHARES IN THE PARENT COMPANY and were angry at the highest leadership of the parent company, actually contacted Mitsubishi and told them we were “ fake and criminal “ which, even though we were finalists and had a patent-pending product, caused Mitsubishi to remove us from competition completely and without justification. That which led to the demise of the parent company, were the actions of others, who were in leadership of that parent company. In truth, defeating the poor image left by someone else is the same kind of challenge one faces when one gets bubblegum stuck to the bottom of our shoes. It is a persistent inconvenience that requires we scrape it off ( actual effort and deeds) which can include that we KEEP WALKING, keep going. In the light of truer revelation, such untrue accusation, doubts, and false claims, against anyone and their invention can be defeated.
I ask only this:
Please, refer, only refer, those you know, to as often as you have the opportunity as we post regular updates to the site as we prepare for the synthetic fuel SYN_FUL distance drive.
IF any of your contacts wishes to have a conference call at any time they can write as you have done to arrange one. We will get an NDA in their hands and answer their questions.
Stay in touch. Thanks again!
210EN Corporation
Indeed. As a foundation the " HES " technology establishes ZERO POINT ENERGY as fact in the physical makeup of our known part of the universe. The hypothesis/theory of ZERO POINT ENERGY is about 100 years old. One would expect, in that time, some rational, convenient, useful application of that tech to have emerged in large scale. It has not. MARKET FORCES and the flow of capital has gone to other energy generation and delivery technologies. Further, the ability to do "work" is critical in many uses of electrical energy.
I would suggest holding all technologies to the same standards HOPING that ALL THINGS ARE EQUAL. That is; That all competing or new and disruptive technologies gain some funding and then put their tech to work PUBLICLY and in a way that shows in the simplest terms, THAT TECH, doing some useful labour and in a manner that can best be understood and then questioned competitively against existing tech. This is only fair. Unfortunately, we do not live in a fair world. Worse? Zero Point Energy is so far beyond anything our world has learned to use in a common, pedestrian manner that just establishing that it is in fact being used is difficult and unlikely directly measurable with present-day common methods. If someone has mastered the use of Zero Point Energy and ALSO created a new application/kind of transformer-like action, they will need MASSIVE amounts of capital to bring it to market and about 12 - 16 years of testing, engineering, and certification. Then they must convince an educated audience to buy it. Question Everything..
Here at 210EN.COM we invite the hard questions and we do so without fear. Thanks for your question and your patience. It took us a short while to get in touch with L.T. since you aimed your question at him specifically.
You may have noticed that on the 29th of January 2024, we posted a short video of our SYN_FUL prototype vehicle in the shop getting oxygen sensors repaired. Once that repair was over we were able to ascertain that the catalytic converter on that 29-year-old Mustang while running was not able to detect enough pollutants to do any work.
(Quizás hayas notado que el 29 de enero de 2024 publicamos un video corto de nuestro vehículo prototipo SYN_FUL en el taller reparando los sensores de oxígeno. Una vez que se completó la reparación, pudimos determinar que el convertidor catalítico de ese Mustang de 29 años mientras estaba en funcionamiento no pudo detectar suficientes contaminantes para realizar ningún trabajo.)
Now we know that some pollutants were being generated, nevertheless, we NOW KNOW how close we are to the zero-emissions range running our SYN_FUL. We CAN improve our SYNTHETIC FUEL GENERATOR output and sensitivity. We have the chemistry experiments and the mathematics models. Our data leads us to believe that we can get to zero emissions in an internal combustion car AND before it is legally mandated, we can MAKE an excellent zero-emissions engine and it too will be a Hybrid of a Hybrid. Power to spare! Ahora sabemos que se estaban generando algunos contaminantes; sin embargo, AHORA SABEMOS qué tan cerca estamos del rango de cero emisiones al ejecutar nuestro SYN_FUL. PODEMOS mejorar el rendimiento y la sensibilidad de nuestro GENERADOR DE COMBUSTIBLE SINTÉTICO. Tenemos los experimentos de química y los modelos matemáticos. Nuestros datos nos llevan a creer que podemos llegar a cero emisiones en un automóvil de combustión interna Y antes de que sea requerido legalmente, podemos FABRICAR un gran motor de cero emisiones y también será un Híbrido de un Híbrido. ¡Poder de sobra!
We asked LT to respond: Yes, I did record, legally, all conversations regarding this matter. I do not deny or confirm all that is in the question but the CASH investor was emphatic that his money/investment was presented to elements of HPIL specifically and exclusively to be used for Apogee Dynamic's technology. I ask you: if we had received $1.5 Million - and this supposed payment of $50,000 on the side, do you feel we would be having a crowdfunding campaign right now? We still have our banking activity report, and access to business management people we relied upon at the time. The press releases at the time, May - June 2022, I feel were misleading and in the future are issues that may require punitive legal suits to settle and get both sides of the story heard by legal authorities. Right now, we are focused on moving as swiftly as possible to first show one aspect of our technology, raising interest and funding to quickly manufacture the fully integrated system that is a Hybrid of a Hybrid bearing truly limitless range. In my professional lifetime including the years I spent working with brilliant Alvin Snaper and my friend David Anthony over at Two-Lions Investments and all the motion picture projects where creativity was required and licensed, I have seen so many technologies crushed and abandoned due to both criminality and venal misconduct. I and my team, well, we cannot believe that we cannot believe!